Award Winning

Spiritual women in business.
I invite you to explore and elevate within this self-paced container to expand the depths of your empowered potential.
Whether you’ve just qualified, or are years into your industry, expect to be propelled by a community of women eager for self-growth and business expansion whilst supporting your journey.
The Empower Programme is a proven and AWARD WINNING global “golden ticket” approach to doing business through a yogic, holistic and feminine lens.

This offer is for you beautiful souls who feel:
To be seen, heard, ARRIVE on the scene with your soul-led work.
Seeking next steps with direction, clarity & strategy.
Wealth, financial literacy, financial freedom, time, abundance, prosperity, fulfilment!
Paralysis out of fear, comparison, dis-ease, imposter syndrome, self-doubt.
Drained and depleted, overworking, people pleasing, giving energy to someone else's dream.
Buzzing with desire, motivation and the knowledge that you have something deeper to offer community & YOUR LIFE!
Hiding, playing small, keeping quiet rather than showing up.
You've had enough of doing it all alone. You've gotten as far as you can going solo. Desiring nourishing community.

I’ve got you because I’ve been there.
You’re here because you’re ready for more…

Crystal focus on who you are as a leader (how can you serve if you don’t understand who you are?) This is the key component to clearly understanding who your soul clients are and what you will create to offer to the world.
✓Emotional Freedom
Bye Bye fear, procrastination, imposter syndrome and isolation
✓Expanded Mindset
Give yourself permission to do the work your way!
✓Unleashed creativity
Hint. Artistic recovering comes when you stop comparing and let yourself PLAY BIG!
To leap into this new phase of your life and business with excitement and ease
✓Selling with soul
No sleaze, no awkwardness, no cringe involved or whatever other blocks your subconscious money story may be causing you
✓The Know-How
A peaceful and calm disposition because you know what to do next!
✓Streamline Focus
Refining your offerings and leading your time so your time doesn't lead you.
✓Serving your beautiful community
This is the joy, the privilege and how we get to love what we do by dwelling in our zone of genius!
Receiving the richness of life. In monetary terms… setting/raising your prices = financial freedom. Learning to invest your money = financial literacy!
✓Working smarter not harder
radically prioritising rest in business and scheduling work around your moon cycle

Hi, I’m Catherine
Founder, creator, and visionary behind the Empower Programme and Empower Yoga Method.
MY MISSION: To empower female spiritual entrepreneurs to embody entrepreneurial excellence and abundance whilst providing exceptional service for their soul clients.
MY VISION: To provide the most exceptional empowering Business Entrepreneurship Programme for spiritual feminine leaders wishing to amplify their abundant businesses, whilst serving their communities with heart.
When we empower ourselves, we empower each other.

As women, I know because I embody it, that when we empower and hold each other, we are unstoppable.

Upon enrolment here’s what you’ll receive.
The programme is very intentionally designed to to allow you to work at a pace that promotes ease, digestion, integration and time to take action.
The modules support you through the different phases of executing on your dreams: learning the how-to, actively launching, delivering your soul work, relaunching, refining and client retention all with radical self care in the process.
The additional BONUS masterclasses will connect your body, mind and voice to the soul-work you are doing, regulating your nervous system to stay steady through deep transitions and keeping you motivated to deliver on your potential.
An incredible opportunity to expand your network and surround yourself with other transformational elevated business owners and online programme creators whether current mentees, renewers, graduates and/or alumni of the Empower Programme.
This group is what you make it ~ perhaps you seek a retreat chef, you wish to be featured on a podcast or have a guest speaking opportunity within your programme. Expect to meet like-minded ambitious friends for life, whilst voyaging through this journey together. The energetic exchange of being part of this Community are collaboration, contribution and compassion.
I’ve made friends for life in these containers and I am honoured to teach you with the liberating support of an empire of female mentors and coaches around me.

When you up-level, it’s an upgrade for your life as well as your business.

All Empower Graduates and Alumni have the opportunity to renew into the Programme at any time at a discounted rate.
Please contact me for special renewal prices.
Welcome back Alumni!

What's inside the seven
self-paced modules?
I have failed so many times. Failure is tough but also wonderful. A gift. It's given me the chance to start again over and over again. To return to the drawing board, to refine and do things differently. I invite you to begin again, to weed out anything causing problems at base-level. Combining spiritual practice with soulful strategy leads to one incredibly powerful and solid foundation.
Your voice needs to be heard, even if it shakes. Vulnerability is your greatest power to connect with your audience. If you're saying right now "I’m not out there, that's not me”, with love, I DARE YOU to be vulnerable and open. In the words of Brené Brown, "Courage is contagious. Every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little better and the world a little braver."
You offer a delicious bite, they want the whole meal. It’s not rocket science. To shift people in their heart and move their body and psyche enough to make a purchase, is by writing from the delicious depths of your soul. When words are compelling, honest and open, it's salivating. Watch the yummy feedback flood through and your sales convert with ease. Any belief that you need thousand of followers, a huge email list or vast amounts of glitzy automated tech can stop now. Drop those ego validating vanity metrics.
My heart is set on empowering women to create self wealth and make their own decisions surrounding financial investments. May you remember forever more than selling is a service. Serving IS selling. There is nothing sleazy, cringey, awkward or bad about it. Let's untie you from those money narratives to create space for freedom in abundance!
It's vital. I don’t want you having burnout like I’ve had (or ever again if you’d already had it.) Here we welcome in more of the feminine flow state by establishing our non-negotiables: daily spiritual practice, radical radiant rest, bold boundaries and honouring our prices. When we lead only with the yang masculine energy, we end up in burn out via too much action, busyness and fire. If we only lead in the feminine, we can end up stuck in delay, procrastination and paralysis. Harmony comes from this intricate balance.
You get to choose! Perhaps Community is so critical for you so like me, you'll stay in this expansive container reinvesting your money back into your business to scale higher. For now, be open to the start of the journey and I have no doubt you can take things wherever you wish to go if you are willing to do the work. The question is are you? If you are reading this, a part of you is already willing!
Move into the world of high-end offers. Scaling to bigger projects like retreats, online courses and programmes. After my experience in the legal, corporate and spiritual industries, use my very own extensive and uniquely designed project planner spreadsheet to build, deliver and refine a transformational high-end event.
This spreadsheet alone is literally worth your entire investment!

An expansive collection of bonus material from guest experts and feminine leaders in their fields of genius who have immensely impacted my life and my business.
I welcome their input with such great pleasure to empower, evolve and EXPAND your current feeling around what is possible for you.

Automated & Elated Tech for the Soulful Entrepreneur
Fierce Finance Femmes Conscious Money Masterclass
Astrology as a Self Care Practice
The Art of Tarot for Self Love

As women, I know because I embody it, that when we empower and hold each other, we are unstoppable.
£303 pm

What Empower graduates are saying...
Your response on the Expansion call was the most transformative 13 minutes I've experienced since I started my business 3 years ago. I am going to write a letter from my business to myself and journal around the Yamas to help me apply these teachings to my business and reflect on what I know to be true in my heart. I'm slowly + gently detaching from potential clients' answers with more respect for myself and my business. Thank you for everything.
With the gift of Catherine's support and guidance I launched my first Women's Circle Facilitator Training Programme in 2020. The Programme sold out in two weeks! Delivering this project was my dream I am forever grateful I worked with Catherine to receive the gift of understanding how to refine my approach to meet my project deadlines with joy and ease. You are in super safe and professional, yet soft hands with Catherine!
My results as a direct experience of the Empower Programme are launching my first online programme, eliminating fear of sharing what I deep down always wanted to share. Having structure and the know-how for my ideas. Putting my phone aside way more often, to live life in the present.
I urge you, invest to grow!
Allow someone who's a couple of steps further in the progress to guide you to where you need to be. It's been incredible to spent this valuable time with Catherine working on something I've always wanted to work on.
Being a part of the Empower Programme has been the best decision I've ever made for my business. I feel more confident in myself and my ability to scale and grow the business that I want. Knowing that it's ok to pause when I need to pause too. I have more clarity on the where and how to do things whenever things feel overwhelming. My 6 week yoga course sold out to 27 clients and I made my money back off this programme 4 weeks after joining. A phenomenal experience!
Q: How is The Expansion Empower Mentorship Programme different from other mentorship programmes on offer?
The biggest investment for you is in knowing that this is a tried and tested global award winning programme that works. The work works when YOU put in the work! Enjoy access to the beautiful portal housing the self-paced modules and bonus content as well as the curated Community group to network with all mentees, renewers, graduates and alumni.
Unlike the numerous mindset/business/self-help/money coaches out there, I adore teaching you EMBODIMENT through a yogic lens to nurture your soul-led business as an extension of your soul!
Rather that purely the external, enjoy experiencing wealth, prosperity, creativity, and EMPOWERMENT from the inside. What is all the wealth and joy in the outside world if you don't feel this on the inside? I've worked in this industry for many years and after rounds and rounds of private and group led Empower Programmes, this is the refined, amplified and expanded version of a more high end mentorship experience for you.
Q: I think making money is sleazy, awkward, not me, not something I want to do and not spiritual. Should I join?
Please don't. I believe that women building wealth enhances our society. It supports our health, our families and our Communities.
Money is simply energy - selling is our service and our services are provided via soulful selling.
The modules will help gradually train your nervous system to remove the emotional blocks and limiting story narrative you may be carrying around money.
If you’re struggling with mountains of lack mentality WELCOME – this container can move them, I’ve seen it happen many times! However, there is no space here for you if you shame those who sell with soul and conviction while their work supports the lives of their students/clients. I ask you to refrain from enrolling so as not to bring that kind of energy to our empowering, encouraging and supportive container.
Q: I don’t think I have time to do the work. Should I join?
No. You must commit to showing up for yourself and the container.
The more you put in, the more you’ll get out.
Out of curiosity, how have you made it this far down the page if you’re short on time? What’s really taking up your time and getting in the way?
This methodology is a monumental step towards working smarter not harder by leading your time instead of time leading you!
Q: Do you have any bonuses on offer?
Yes! I'd love to gift you Empower Method Yoga Membership for the duration of your mentorship.
The details of how to access this will be shared upon your enrolment.
Q: What happens after I join?
You’ll receive a welcome pack with an invitation to join our privately curated community and access to the training modules.
Q: What are the dates of the programme?
The Programme is rolling, which means that when you enrol you will receive access to the programme for twelve months.
Come inside, let me help you to create this streamline model for your business.
Q: Do I have lifetime access to the training materials and mentorship?
This is a one year all access offer.
At the end of your twelve months, you'll have a chance to renew your time.
Q: If I cannot join now, can I join at a later date?
Yes ofcourse. My price may change at any time. If you're delaying investing, you're still paying. You are paying with your time rather than paying to learn and make progress.
It's imperative those within Empower are expansive for each other and wish to keep this Community high-vibe, supportive and empowered so please think very carefully about whether this is the correct Programme for you.
However, if you are serious and wish to join us ready to do the work, WELCOME IN!
Q: What is your refund policy?
I have a very strict NO refund policy.
The payment plan is monthly for the duration of your twelve month enrolment from the day you join.
Q: In addition, I'd like to work with Catherine privately. How do I do that?
Please email me around your specific needs for private support at a higher investment price at team.catherinegallagher@gmail.com
Q: I have a question that is not answered here...
I'm happy to hear from you! Email me: team.catherinegallagher@gmail.com or send me a DM @catherine___gallagher
I’m dedicated to holding space for you to make an empowered decision for yourself, your business and ultimately, your future.
As a beloved fellow spiritual entrepreneur and conscious leader, I would love to welcome you into the Empower Programme.

Doing business in a Yogic way deepens your

Hi! I'm Catherine, Founder, creator and visionary behind the Empower Method. An award winning hub of yoga, retreats and powerful spiritual business mentorship.
I empower female spiritual entrepreneurs like yourself, to create self-wealth via the richness of your own life story whilst being of powerful service to your community.
Founding and running my business since 2016 has been my deepest spiritual awakening. During my own “heroine’s journey” I’ve paved immense waves in healing myself and my business via a devoted daily yogic practice.
Once a child protection lawyer, turned corporate marketing and events career girl(!) I believe yoga found me at a particularly dark time in my life - a time of family crisis, an abusive relationship and general misery at where I found myself. The healing yoga studio around the corner from my home became my safe haven, my saving grace. After qualifying there, working there for 18 months and in countless other venues across the South East of England then for resorts and surf camps in Northern Morocco, it was time for me to move away from the "norm" of studio work, retreat after retreat and the general fatigue of constant mental and physical exhaustion.
I had found myself yet again broken - paid nothing, bullied, suppressed, overworked and abused within the industry.
Something had to change.
I knew there had to be another way to make a living AND take care of myself and my own spiritual practice which had lost it’s way.
I wanted to learn from others who understood my genuine mission to serve, to use the healing tools of yoga to empower other people and could afford the lifestyle of their dreams.
I set my ambitions high, reached out to those in the industry working at a level I’d liked to attain and began investing my money in their intellectual property to grow myself and my business. Spiritual mentors and conscious business coaches were my new saving graces rather than more and more trainings.
This was when everything changed!
Yoga trainings never taught me what I really needed to know - how to nurture something from an idea and grow it into a hugely impactful offering, ways to work and still honour my feminine cycle, how to radically rest, work less hours and still be of huge impact to my clients.
The support I’d invested in propelled me to grow the Empower Programme - the unstructured mentorship sessions I’d been giving to other teachers, picking my brain for free for a coffee, or £35 per hour just weren’t going to keep me afloat.
I needed to approach my business as I would my practice - with respect, discipline, healthy boundaries, perseverance and unwavering motivation.
Then an idea struck me like lightning.
Standing in the hollowed out trunk of a beautiful tree hit by lightning, I was struck with the most powerful idea. The tree appeared thriving on the inside, it was empty, void, hollow on the inside. Just like me. This deep wound, pain and darkness was where the light entered. I felt so alone, bullied and ostracised by the yoga industry but in that moment I knew. I knew! I knew from that moment on I would help many women from the depths of my own painful experiences in group programmes at a premium price. Those who had reached as far as they could alone, or hadn’t made a start, all because what they were seeking was support, bolstering and community, like me!
Our programmes are names that come to us when we feel the opposite way of how we wish to feel! We are all teaching what we need to know. Truly!
Disempowered to Empowered = the Empower Programme!
Fast forward to now, I mentor incredible fempreneurs, SHE-E-Os and conscious women in business like yourself, to launch and run your business the yogic way, creating self-wealth by selling incredible offerings birthed from the treasures of your own darkness. Your life story is the seed for your power offer that can help many others.
No one else knows exactly what you do, what you’ve been through or how you’ve moved through your pain.
You have so much to give in this one precious life!
I welcome you here to play, experiment, and test your recipes for service and joy in this beautiful Yogic business lab to curate your potent programmes and offerings and MOVE your best self forward into the world